Participants of the United Nations Economic and Social Council Financing for Development Forum and representatives from the World Council of Churches (WCC), the World Communion of Reformed Churches, the World Methodist Council, the Lutheran World Federation, and the Council for World Mission convened in New York to discuss the converging food, fuel, and debt crises and their impacts on vulnerable communities.
The side-event is part of the "New International Fiancial Architecture" NIFEA initiative and called for inclusive, democratic, transparent, and accountable global economic governance and urged churches, faith-based communities, and the ecumenical movement to support civil society-led initiatives to advocate reforms in the international financial architecture.
Read more about the NIFEA initiative here >>> and below.
For more information see website of the World Council of Churches (WCC) here >>>
TURN DEBT INTO HOPE - a Jubilee Campaign on Debt Justice by Caritas Internationalis, supported by Ecumenical Church Organizations
At its core, this campaign features a global petition aimed at raising awareness about the systemic change needed, urging governments and decision-makers to enact debt relief.
Caritas Internationalis, together with faith-based and civil society organizations, invites all people of goodwill to join our campaign, Turn Debt into Hope. Together, we urge decision-makers to prioritize people and planet over mere profit.
Organizations Supporting the Petition
Caritas Europa
Catholic Relief Services
CCFD-Terre Solidaire
CIDSE (Coopération internationale pour le développement et la solidarité)
Conferencia Episcopal Boliviana
Coordination Office of the Austrian Bishops’ Conference (KOO)
Debt Justice UK
Debt for Climate
Development & Peace Caritas Canada
ECCO The Italian Climate Change Think Tank
Entwicklung braucht Entschuldung (Jubilee Germany)
FEC – Fundação Fé e Cooperação
Friends of the Earth Hungary
Fundación Jubileo
International Movement of Catholic Students (IMCS) Pax Romana, Asia Pacific Region
International Youth Training Center – Laudato Si’ Center
Jubilee USA Network
KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives
Lutheran World Federation
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
MENA Fem Movement For Economic, Development And Ecological Justice
Office of Religious Congregations for Integral Ecology (ORCIE)
Pax Christi International
Red Erbol
Red UNITAS Bolivia
Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF)
The Common Initiative
World Council of Churches
WCRC World Council of Reformed Churches
WFTL World Forum on Theology and Liberation
New International Financial and Economic Architecture (NIFEA) Initiative
An economic system based on over-consumption and greed has become firmly rooted in today’s world and it is high time to change this paradigm by working for a New International Financial and Economic Architecture.
Building on the Sao Paolo Statement (download) , the initiative "International Financial Transformation for an Economy of Life" advocates for a global financial and economic system that links finance to the real economy; is founded on the principles of economic, social and climate justice; accounts for social and ecological tasks; and sets clear limits to greed.
Key policy calls are contained in the document Economy of Life for all Now: An Ecumenical Action Plan for a New International Financial and Economic Architecture which outlines actions for churches in tackling public finance and debt, regulation of the financial sector and global economic governance. See statement here >>>
The New International Financial and Economic Architecture (NIFEA) is an initiative of the WCC together with the World Communion of Reformed Churches, Council of World Mission and the Lutheran World Federation.