Social Justice in Global Development

About us

SocDevJustice was founded in 2010, following discussions among international nongovernmental organizations that had gathered at the UN Millennium Development Summit of the United Nations in 2010 in New York. The aim was to create a platform for interested civil society that supports initiatives to promote social justice in global development by exchanging ideas and information on specific questions for advocacy and lobby work, particular at the UN. See our  Mission here >>>

SocDevJustice works with an international Advisory Board of civil society experts, whose members bring their experience and knowledge and advise the association on development related research papers, statements and publications. See members of the Advisory Board here >>>

We are aregistered non-profit organization. The legal basis is in Leipzig with an office in Malente, Germany.

Our organization depends on the voluntary contributions and cooperation of dedicated people, committed to our goals. If you are interested to support or join us, please contact: info(a)

You may notice the albatross in the upper left corner of our home page. We take inspiration from this bird from the South. To see a more detailed explanation, click here »»»

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